
Midweek Musings

Some random thoughts and tidbits to help you get through hump day..

For you Gap lovers, they're having their Gap Friends Event right now, use the code PRESALE to get 30% off your purchase.

Do anyone else's nails look like this after painting or do I just have the coordination of a 6 year old? 
Jennifer Lawrence apparently eats like a caveman.. this makes me love her that much more.

Is this bobby pin chevron look cool or is it just silly? Can't decide..

It's The Holiday Season.. Kinda?

A few days ago Starbucks started using their red holiday cups, which to me, means it's cool to start bumping the holiday music now. So don't mind me if my 'N Sync Christmas album is now in full rotation! I'd love to be able to drink my hot beverages and crank up my lame super cool Christmas music while I get cozy in my layers of clothing and bundles of scarves, but it's hot. So imagine the below outfit with a beanie and boots on??

Please note my awkward turtle pose. You like? I'm sure you do. 
Shirt: Vintage (from my Grandma), Shorts: Gap, Necklace: Forever 21, Bracelet: BaubleBar, Flats: Chinese Laundry