I mean the Nordstrom Rack, ya nasties. I braved the crowds last Thursday morning, and waited two hours to try and get my chance at all the merchandise before everyone else. I was probably the 100th person in line, so props to all those that showed up when it was still dark out. There was a dj, snacks and coffee to keep everyone in line excited, which was totally appreciated.
And I know I probably shouldn't be putting this chick on blast, but I also caught a girl who was getting her yoga on while in line.
Yes, I felt kinda creepy taking the picture.. but I just had to show you guys! Anyway, when the doors opened, I made a beeline towards the shoes and after some quick hunting, I came out with these beauties:
Boots: Corso Como, Mary Janes and Sandals: Franco Sarto
What can I say, I love my free stuff. I should probably take a serious shopping hiatus for awhile, but I know it won't be too long before I make another visit to the Rack. Has anybody else made it out to the Carmel Mountain location, and if so, does you think it measure up to the other locations in SD?